Thursday, March 31, 2011

Laughter at the Lake

These are long overdue! They were taken over my spring break at the beginning of this month. My friend Natalie took the photos of me and I took the photos of her. We walked to the library many times while were on break, and it was during one of those times that we had a lovely photo shoot. =)

Muted Little Mysteries

I can't believe it's already Wednesday! This week is flying by!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You Are My All In All

This was another one of the songs recorded on Friday. My friends and I love getting together and worshiping God. I pray that you will be encouraged as you listen to the words of this powerful song!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: March 27th

1. Decay

This is from my archives. I thought I was doing well with the hunt this week, but then time rushed past, and before I knew it, Sunday was here. My guinea pig Pansy gave birth to a stillborn a couple of years ago, and it was a sad experience for both Pansy and I. I took her to the burial site after the little one was placed in the ground, and just let her sit in the silence for a bit. Decay is everywhere, even in the brown, dead leaves by the grave, because we live in broken world.

2. Groups of Three

Pictured here are three of my friends' feet from a photo shoot in October. I had to pull another shot from my archives. I really like it, though, and I don't think I've ever posted it on my blog, so here it is now!

3. Kitchen

I live in a dorm, since I'm in college, and my dorm doesn't really have a kitchen. All there is is a microwave and sink. I just captured the faucet in all of its glory.

4. Things that make you go "hmmm"

No explanation needed. I wonder how many people they could fit on there before crashing. =P

5. "Me" Time

In my free time, I often pick up my camera and fire away. I love taking photos of my flute!! Sometimes I play my flute when I have "me" time.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Pure, Simple Worship

At the end of February, I posted a short video of a few friends and I singing Reign In Us by Starfield. I promised that if we did more recording, I would share it with you. Yesterday we were able to record a few songs. This is The Heart of Worship by Matt Redman. Everything sounded great, besides me. I need to start practicing my flute again on a regular basis. :/

Selfie Saturday - Beautiful

Thousands of times I've believed the lie that I'm not beautiful. Satan loves to target me with this lie, and he knows how effective it can be, especially because of some of my past experiences. My soul has been wounded deeply by people I thought I could trust. I experienced profound sorrow, and enormous feelings of worthlessness. It took me years to slowly heal, and I'm still moving past the rubble. It breaks my heart whenever I hear of suffering people, particularly those suffering from sexual abuse. Because I've been there.

When I was in my lowest pit of despair, God rescued me and freed me from the sin that had consumed my life. He showed me his limitless love. My life was a shattered vase, and He picked up the pieces and gently placed them back together. He called me his child, his beloved.

But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God. 
-John 1:12-13 {NLT}

My life has been far from perfect. I've made mistake after mistake and paid the price. If God had not rescued me and set me free from sin I shudder to think what my life would be like. I am thankful beyond measure for God's great love and grace for me!

I still struggle with worthlessness today. Sin hurts. It kills. Before I knew God, I was blind, lost, and stuck in sin. My heart was dead until God breathed his breath of life into it and made me alive in Christ. Praise the LORD for his great mercy!

Today I choose to believe I'm beautiful. I'm a daughter of the King, and he loves me more than I can understand. Thank you, LORD for everything!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lemon Laughter

Daffodils and a variety of other flowers are all popping out of the ground. Finally, spring has arrived!


Which would you choose? Town coffee shop or world-renowned brand? I have a hard time deciding because they're both so good. When I'm in the city, I either get Starbucks or Caribou coffee, and when I'm in Cedarville I go to Beans N Cream, Stoney Creek, or Rinnova, Cedarville University's own coffee shop. So many head's spinning already.

I invited Natalie to go to Subway with me and then go and get coffee for dinner tonight instead of cafeteria food. She decided on Beans N Cream and I'm glad she did. This mocha was amazing!!

Here I am, looking sort of icky after this windy, chilly day, but still smilin! =D

A Break. Finally.

To say this week has been hectic would be an's been crazy! I finally got a break from homework tonight, and believe me, I loved every second of it!!

Last week I was going to link up to Scavenger Hunt Sunday, but I never took a couple of the photos, so I decided not to. This was one of my shots for the chair one. I'm working on this week's, and hopefully I'll be able to enter on Sunday. =)

I ate lunch with Natalie, well, I should say, I sat with Natalie while she ate her lunch. I wasn't hungry, so I just sat there and talked, and maybe did a bit of Bio homework... She was a bit apprehensive when I told her I was going to take a photo of her, but I'm not sure why. She looked great, like always!

Apparently peppermint ice cream and sherbet taste good together! I'll take her word for it. :)

Late tonight the rain came...

I hope your week's going well! I'm happy that it's halfway over - it's really dragging its feet.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I've been really busy lately and just haven't found time to take photos...I really hope the work load settles down soon but I just don't see that happening until the end of the year. :(

The good news is that my university just made official a photography minor, and it is likely that I'm going to minor in it. I'm stoked about that!

This shot is from November, during my Thanksgiving break. Posts are always more interesting when there are photos to look at, right?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lost in wonder

This is an old photo from October, when I had a photo shoot with Mia and Mary, two girls who are roommates. I was looking through my archives and stumbled upon the photos. Tonight I've been editing photos, so I decided to edit this one, too. Mia is lost in wonder at God's creation and beauty. What wonderful things God has created!

Psalm 19:1-4a

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sunny St. Paddy's Day!

Wonderful weather on this Irish holiday! It couldn't have been more perfect. I went for a long walk after working on a paper on Colossians for several hours. I love the outdoors!

I was on my way back to Faith, my dorm, when my friends saw me and invited me to go with them to Beans and Cream, a local coffee shop, to watch a group perform Irish music. The tiny shop was packed, but it was still good!


Sometimes perspective makes all the difference. Maybe you need to look at something in a new way today. Change your perspective and see what happens. :)

Cup A Day of Green Tea

I love hot drinks. Especially coffee and green tea. And you can't forget hot chocolate. College students need caffeine to survive long, busy days of studying, and I definitely drink them a lot, usually consuming at least two of them by the end of the day!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Let it Rain

It rained on Thursday when I went with Natalie to visit a couple other friends. Sitting in the backseat of the car as we drove along, I couldn't help thinking of how beautiful it was. Cold and miserable sometimes, yes. But it is also the rain that provides drinking water, helps crops grow, and keeps rivers and lakes full of water. And who doesn't enjoy a rainy walk with a close family member or friend on a warm afternoon every once in a while? I know I do. The rain is a blessing, and I'm thankful to God for it, even on chilly, dark nights, when I sit inside and watch the droplets fall beneath the street lights.

Here's the photo without words...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Not Scared?!

Over spring break I went for several walks, and one day this squirrel was just sitting here as my friend and I approached him. He looks kinda cute, but he'd really like to bite someone's hand if they got too close. :P

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: March 13th

1. Vanishing Point

I went to a bowling alley on Friday with my friend Natalie and a few of her friends. Exhausted as I was, I decided not to play. Instead, I bought coffee and Skittles to help me stay awake. Then I got out my camera and had some fun. :D

2. Square Crop

3. Under

These ducks were swimming around Coe Lake when my friend and I were walking home from the library. They were acting so silly, approaching us and then swimming away. This is the closest they got, before moving away to the left under the branches of the tree.

4. "Welcome to the Jungle"

After the snowstorm on the 11th of March, it looked beautiful! Walking through the snow and water felt like walking through a jungle. =)

5. Calm

There was no one on the trail by Coe Lake when Natalie and I walked on it to go back and forth to the library several times this past week. It was very peaceful.

Matthew 6:26

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Break...homemade food and visiting friends!

This past week I've been on spring break, staying with my friend Natalie and her family. We returned to Cedarville today, but classes don't start until Monday. It's rather quiet around, as it should be. Our internet connection at Natalie's house was dial-up, so that's why I didn't post while I was there. 

Anyways, homemade food is always amazing, and I loved having juice and coffee at 10:30 every morning when I woke up. Delicious. =D

On Sunday I surprised my friend Ash (right) by coming to church with my other friend, Meghan (left). We didn't get to see each other much this break, but at least we saw each other then!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

March...Rain and More Rain?

When I got up this morning, it was raining, and it has been raining almost the entire day long! If I hadn't been wearing my winter coat, I would have gotten soaking wet. As it was, my hair got all messed up and the bottoms of my jeans got super wet. Of course, I was wearing flip flops, so that was kind of my fault.

Last night several of my friends painted the Cedarville University Rock. One of them is Japanese, and another one is a missionary kid from there. I think it looks lovely!

Some people are smart and carry umbrellas with them... :)

The other side of the rock got painted, too! I was told that the sentence is a Japanese idiom.

The puddles of rain looked pretty, but kind of icky, too...I edited this photo. We don't have any snow left, and I'm so happy about that.

Now I know what that parking lot is for...I never knew before... =P