Saturday, March 26, 2011

Selfie Saturday - Beautiful

Thousands of times I've believed the lie that I'm not beautiful. Satan loves to target me with this lie, and he knows how effective it can be, especially because of some of my past experiences. My soul has been wounded deeply by people I thought I could trust. I experienced profound sorrow, and enormous feelings of worthlessness. It took me years to slowly heal, and I'm still moving past the rubble. It breaks my heart whenever I hear of suffering people, particularly those suffering from sexual abuse. Because I've been there.

When I was in my lowest pit of despair, God rescued me and freed me from the sin that had consumed my life. He showed me his limitless love. My life was a shattered vase, and He picked up the pieces and gently placed them back together. He called me his child, his beloved.

But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God. 
-John 1:12-13 {NLT}

My life has been far from perfect. I've made mistake after mistake and paid the price. If God had not rescued me and set me free from sin I shudder to think what my life would be like. I am thankful beyond measure for God's great love and grace for me!

I still struggle with worthlessness today. Sin hurts. It kills. Before I knew God, I was blind, lost, and stuck in sin. My heart was dead until God breathed his breath of life into it and made me alive in Christ. Praise the LORD for his great mercy!

Today I choose to believe I'm beautiful. I'm a daughter of the King, and he loves me more than I can understand. Thank you, LORD for everything!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

And yes you are beautiful especially in God's eyes! You are made in His image.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your sweet comment! God bless you. :)