Wednesday, September 7, 2011

When the Rain Comes.

Rain and dull white skies can taunt me all they want, but they can't bring me down. Christ lives in me, the hope of glory!

If the rain's coming down hard around you, look to the King who sets the captives free and heals the brokenhearted. He can give you joy and strength in the midst of the storm. 

I can't stop the rain
But I will hold you 'til it goes away

and then, she {snapped}


Kati said...

Beautiful pictures...beautiful song! (By the way, what kind of camera do you use?)

Hannah said...

I love this so much! Great photos, great message!

Kati said...

I keep coming back to listen to this song again. I had never heard it before.

I use a Nikon D3000. I just recently bought it. I have been looking for a new camera for a while. I was using a Kodak digital but it was one of the older digitals and wasn't doing what I wanted it to. It was also taking pictures with a pink-ish tone unless you squeezed it hard so it was time to get a new one. I'm very happy with my new Nikon.

Anonymous said...

Love these photos! I've never heard that song, I think I need to check it out!!