Friday, September 14, 2012

Lately I have been...

Taking time to appreciate the beautiful sunsets that Cedarville always has in the fall. If you're a Cedarville student or you live in the area, you oughta know what I mean...they're breathtaking.

Sipping Frozen Carmelos and Dirty Chais from Rinnova. I haven't dared try the new District 12 drink in honour of The Hunger Games though, because I dislike Mochas and Hazelnut, and a blend of the two just doesn't sound that appealing to me. Oreo crumbles on top is really tempting, though...

Listening to online Earth Science lectures and filling up pages and pages of lined paper with notes on creation and minerals, that is, when Moodle's working. Moodle has been having problems lately and it has been frustratingly slow. I'm thankful that it's up and running again so that I can continue to plow through the ominous amount of lectures, labs, readings, quizzes, and exams that make up what I sarcastically refer to as my 'delightful online Earth Science class'. I knew I should have taken it in the classroom instead...

Enjoying little treats and gifts from my hall mates and my mom. My hall had a meeting tonight to do some baking together but I decided to stay in my room and do homework instead. My roommate Schuyler offered to bring me a couple of treats when she returned to our room, which was so thoughtful of her! I haven't tried these yet, but they look really good, don't they?

What have you been up to lately?

Have a splendid weekend!


1 comment:

Sara said...

Sounds like you're having fun! The sunsets are lovely :)