Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ephesians 6:18

I don't pray often enough and this verse is one that God often uses to convict me. Prayer is so, so, so powerful. God hears us when we pray, and he always answers. How amazing is that?! It should be our first reaction in every situation, but many times it's option number 3, or worse, we don't even think to do it.

I challenge you to ask two friends of yours what they need prayer for and then commit to pray every day for them for at least one week. Maybe you'll get the opportunity to see how God uses you and maybe you won't...but whether you do or not, God is working. =)


Stephanie at Grateful Heart Acres said...

It is so wonderful to see how God speaks to us every Sunday when we link up to Scripture and a Snapshot. I have needed to hear to many things today! Thank you for this!

Karen Kyle Ericson said...

I love this. The photo is very well done! And the verse. I tend to pray a lot. Sometimes I feel the need to sit and be formal, then still. Thanks!