Monday, October 17, 2011

Prize! And Sore Throat...

Phew. Fall break's over and school's back in full force. Not that I got much of a break since I was busy doing homework for much of the time, but at least I got to see my family and that was a blessing.

I meant to learn a few more guitar chords while I was home, but there wasn't time.

Homework took up almost all of my free time. Ugh.

My throat was sore when I woke up this morning, and it still is, so after lunch I decided to hit up Rinnova for a Frozen Zebra Mocha. Again. Then I worked on my Spanish essay for a while.

Guess what?! The Katie Lloyd Photography prints I won from Gracie's contest arrived! Thank you both!!

I've got to go to Spanish class at 4 and then I have a meeting for a spring break mission trip to Mexico plus working out and hanging out with a friend tonight! Lots to do...hope it doesn't get too overwhelming.


Stephani Cochran said...

Keep up with that guitar! I took lessons for awhile and wish I would have stuck with it!

rachel esther said...

Oh fun! :)
yeah i have one 2 prizes from 2 different blogs, but stuff has gone wrong with it... and such like crashing computers... ugh! i so want my prints!
Hope you feel better soon!

Ashley Sisk said...

How fun to win stuff - that's my fav!