Monday, March 26, 2012

The Many Sides of Us.

Last Saturday, on March 17th, some friends and I celebrated Mia's 20th birthday dinner at a Japanese restaurant. When I pulled out my camera after dinner, we started acting a little crazy.

I love the cool effect I added to the shot below. It makes it look like old film with the colours starting to run. 

We had way too much fun and it was such a blessing for all of us. Mia, Amy and Caleb encourage me often with their love for God and his Word, as well as their kindness and great sense of humor. 

I admit that sometimes I don't feel loved by or significant to even my closest friends, but that's when God reminds me that people mistreated his Son, Jesus Christ, too, but he never mistreated them back. God doesn't promise that there will always be smooth sailing; in fact, he promises that his followers will suffer. We must willingly take up our crosses and follow him every day. I just tweeted: Injustice is going to happen, whether we like it or not. What matters is how you and I respond. #lovelikeJesus 

How do you and I respond to injustice? Do we love like Jesus does?

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