Sunday, March 25, 2012

Scripture and a Snapshot: March 25th

God has been teaching me so much lately and one of the things he has repeatedly pouring into my heart is that I need to wait for him. It's easy to be anxious about the future and worry about what God's will for my life is, but God has commanded us to wait quietly before him. The next verse goes on to talk about how God is our rock and salvation, our fortress where we will not be shaken. God is the only one we can fully depend upon. He will lead us where he wants us to go, but we must be willing to go there by surrendering to his will. God is our Savior and the only one who knows the future, the present, and the past; the one who we hope in. That's such an encouraging promise! Are you willing to wait patiently before God, to rest in his goodness and let him direct your steps?


MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

It is only in God that we can find true peace and rest.

I really love the negative space in your shot-- it gives more impact to the flowers. Very pretty!

Katie said...

You said this perfectly! When our hope is in Him everything will be ok....not necessarily easy, but ok!